Documentation and Supporting Information

The following documents are available to provide assistance with many of AFGROW's features and options:


AFGROW Component Object Model (COM) Manual
Reference for the development of AFGROW automation software; written by James Harter, Cordell Smith and Alexander Litvinov


AFGROW Training at ASIP 2024 , presented by James Harter and Alex Litvinov
What’s Coming in Release 5.5, Spectrum Manager Introduction, Tapered/Offset Loaded Lug Solution.

Pipeline Steel Tabular da/dN Curves with Validations, Hydrogen Application
This paper reviews the historical basis for Harter-T method tabular crack growth rate model, provide details of the development and considerations for pipeline steel curves, discuss important modelling issues, validation work completed to date, and include the practical application example of hydrogen-charged pipeline steel fatigue growth , written by James Harter and Lyndon Lamborn (Enbridge)

AFGROW Training at ASIP 2019
AFGROW Version 5.3.4, New Capabilities & Features , written by James Harter
Broad Application for Modeling Failure (BAMF) Training , presented by Joshua Hodges, Hill Engineering

Building AFGROW Plug-Ins
Step by step instructions for the development of user-defined stress intensity solution plug-in modules, written by James Harter and Kyle Honeycutt

Accurate Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Unsymmetric Corner Cracks at a Hole (Aging A/C Conference-2000)
Explanation of the FEM modeling approach used to develop the Advanced multiple corner cracked hole K-solutions, written by Drs. Scott Fawaz and Borje Andersson

Experimental Verification of Stress Intensity Factor Solutions for Corner Cracks at a Hole Subject to General Loading (ICAF-2003)
Documents work performed to verify the Advanced multiple corner cracked K-solutions, written by Drs. Fawaz, Andersson, and Newman

Using the World's Largest Stress Intensity Factor Database for Fatigue Life Predictions (International Conf. on DTA of A/C Structures-2007)
Documents the use of the Advanced multiple corner cracked K-solution to perform life predictions, written by Dr. Fawaz

The Effect of Stress Intensity Factor Models on Inspection Intervals (International Conf. on DTA of A/C Structures (ASIP-2007)
Compares the effect of classic and advanced K-solutions on the predicted life of coupon specimens under constant amplitude and spectrum loading


AFGROW Flow Chart

Beta Factors for Collinear Asymmetrical Cracks Emanating from an Offset Circular Hole in a Rectangular Plate
This paper presents the result of an independent investigation by the Australian Defence Science and Technology Group for asymmetric cracks at offset holes in a plate. The solutions show excellent agreement with the Advanced K-solutions currently in AFGROW.

Stress Intensity Solutions for Continuing Damage
Reference for the continuing damage solution currently used in AFGROW, presented by James Harter, AFRL/RBSM at the 2010 Aircraft Airworthiness & Sustainment (AA&S) Conference.

Stress-Intensity Factor Equations for Cracks in Three-Dimensional Bodies Subjected to Tension and Bending Loads
The classic Newman-Raju closed-form stress intensity factor reference (1986)

Modification of Stress Intensity Factor Equation for Corner Cracks From a Hole Under Remote Bending
Corrections to the classic Newman-Raju equations for out of plane bending, writen by Drs. Wei Zhao and J.C. Newman, Jr.

Development of Weight Functions and Computer Integration Procedures for Calculating Stress Intensity Factors Around Cracks Subjected to Complex Stress Fields
Reference for the weight function solutions currently used in AFGROW, written by Prof. G. Glinka

Hsu Model
Documentation for the Hsu retardation model implemented in AFGROW, written by Tom Deiters

Application of Multiple Through Cracks in Plates With and Without Holes
Documentation for the Advanced multiple through crack K-solutions used in AFGROW, written by James Harter and Deviprasad Taluk

Implementing Models and Libraries - External K-Solver Demonstration
Documents work done to demonstrate the feasibility of using AFGROW and an external K-solver (StressCheck) interactively to perform life predictions for complex geometries, written by Craig Brooks, Kyle Honeycutt, and Scott Prost Domasky

Fatigue Crack Growth Database for Damage Tolerance Analysis
Documentation of the NASGRO material database, written by R.G. Forman, V. Shivakumar, J.W. Cardinal, L.C. Williams, and P.C. McKeighan

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