LexTech & ESRD(StressCheck) shared a exhibitors booth at the AA&S Conference in Baltimore, MD. Since we are close to our next major new version release, we demonstrated several of the new features/capabilities that will be forthcoming. These include: the new multi-channel spectrum tool, advanced model for a corner crack at a countersunk hole, updated solution for the offset correction for bearing load, user notification when K-solution bounds have been exceeded, and several updates to the User Interface (similar to Office 2010).

There was a good amount of traffic and interest in both AFGROW and StressCheck.
ESRD made a significant announcement that it will soon be releasing a capability they call the Handbook Capability which will allow users to run existing StressCheck models at a fraction of the cost of a full StressCheck license. The "fraction" is yet to be made public, but we are told that it will be much more attractive to smaller companies & individuals. This will be very good news to anyone who may want to take advantage of the AFGROW/StressCheck Plug-In capability to run live predictions for cases with an existing StressCheck model. This will open the door for the creation and release of solution libraries for more complex geometries to a much wider user base.
AFGROWCharts2012.pdf (972.55 kb)