2014 European AFGROW Workshop Summary 13 July 2014 Administrator General, Life Prediction, New Features, User Workshop (0) Predict, Preferences Issues/Suggestions Output intervals printed in "hours" if the option to display life in hours is selected in the Output Intervals tab Also, the crack length plots should be converted to hours In the Propagation Limit tab, the option to stop at a cycle limit should be automa... [More]
AFGROW demonstration video 30 March 2013 Alex-Litvinov (0) We've posted an AFGROW demonstration video given at Purdue University in April 2012. It is 52 minutes long, and provides a cursory overview of how to navigate through the interface and perform basic life predictions.
Using the AFGROW Growth Increment Preference 13 February 2009 Administrator AFGROW Tips and Tricks (0) The capabilities available in AFGROW Predict, Preferences menu are often missed by many casual AFGROW users. One very important preference is the growth increment option. The growth increment controls how often AFGROW will recalculate the normalized stress intensity solution (beta value) as a functi... [More]