Load Interaction Models - Retardation Models - Something to think about 05 March 2012 Tom-Deiters Life Prediction, Retardation (0) It goes without saying that load interaction is important if the life prediction is to represent reality and not simply be a go no go measure. Often times go no go is good enough. But a lot of the time in the management of aging fleets, a real life prediction can be the difference betwee... [More]
Installation Instruction, MSXML 4.0 download 08 July 2009 Alex-Litvinov AFGROW Tips and Tricks, General (0) AFGROW Installation Instructruction [More]
Using the AFGROW Growth Increment Preference 13 February 2009 Administrator AFGROW Tips and Tricks (0) The capabilities available in AFGROW Predict, Preferences menu are often missed by many casual AFGROW users. One very important preference is the growth increment option. The growth increment controls how often AFGROW will recalculate the normalized stress intensity solution (beta value) as a functi... [More]
Suggested Improvements 22 January 2009 Administrator General, New Features (0) Suggested AFGROW Improvements [More]
New AFGROW Features 22 January 2009 Administrator General, New Features (0) Spectrum Filtering Options: Tension and Compression Modification This will allow users to adjust spectrum tension and compression values independently. The primary purpose of this capability is to allow users to model interference fit pins as a pre-load which may be considered to be a function of c... [More]