Section 2.6.1. Structural Analysis
FRANC2D/L is a highly interactive finite element program for
the small deformation analysis of two-dimensional structures. As such, it is
useful for engineering calculations or for instruction in finite element and
fracture courses. Linear elastic fracture mechanics analyses can be performed
with automatic remeshing as the crack grows. The layered capability allows the
user to model riveted and adhesively bonded structures, such as lap joints and
bonded repairs. Elastic-plastic material behavior is also available. This
allows the user to model tearing with the critical crack tip opening angle
approach. This provides the full capability of growing a fatigue crack and
calculating residual (tearing) strength as a function of crack length.
FRANC2D/L is an extension of FRANC2D, which was originally
written by Paul Wawrzynek at Cornell for the analysis of crack growth. A key
concept in his work was the use of a winged-edge data structure to describe the
geometry. This greatly facilitates automatic remeshing during crack growth.