The interrelationship between critical crack length, loading,
and residual strength of a structure was first discussed in Section 2.2 using
Figure 2.2.3. Based on the information
presented in Section 2.3.1, the residual strength (sres), the
load-carrying capacity of the cracked structure, can be shown to monotonically decrease with increasing crack length in the
following manner:
= the material resistance to fracture, termed fracture toughness, and
, the structural property, termed the stress intensity factor
When the residual strength decays to the level of the maximum
stress in the service load history, fracture of the structure occurs. The crack length associated with fracture
(i.e., acr) is normally
determined by solving Equation 2.4.5 for crack length, assuming that the
residual strength equals the maximum stress in the stress history. Note that the rate of growth of a crack is
directly related to the rate of loss of residual strength through Equation
2.4.5, thus justifying the selection of the crack to quantify structural
fatigue damage.
The critical crack length (acr)
is thus a function of material, structural geometry, and loading. As shown in Figure
2.4.12, the relative effect of acr
on life is typically small (i.e., when acr/ao
≥ 5). The primary advantage of
designing for a large critical crack length is the increased inspectability it
provides. A large critical crack length
increases the probability of locating the crack before it becomes critical,
thereby enhancing aircraft safety.
Figure 2.4.12. Effect of Critical Crack Size on Life
Determination of the critical crack size via Equation 2.4.5
would ordinarily be sufficient for safety limits; however, durability
considerations often dictate that the final crack size, af, be chosen smaller than acr to represent rework of repair limits. A choice of af along these lines is shown in Figure
Figure 2.4.13. Economic Final Crack Size
Section 4 provides a summary of available residual strength
estimating techniques and procedures that are generally applicable to all
different types of structures and materials.
Section 7 presents the experimental methods and procedures used to
generate toughness data and residual strength data.