The damage tolerance design guidelines are illustrated in Figure 1.3.1 in a diagrammatic form. Since residual static strength generally
decreases with increased damage size, the residual strength and growth
guidelines are coupled through the maximum allowable damage size, i.e. the
damage size growth limit established by the minimum-required residual strength
load. The safe growth period (period of
unrepaired service usage) is coupled to either the design life requirement for
the air vehicle or to the scheduled in-service inspection intervals. While the specific guidelines of JSSG-2006
may seem more complex than described in Figure 1.3.1,
all essential elements are as illustrated.
The remainder of Section 1.3 will describe these individual elements.
A structure can be qualified under one of two categories of
defined damage, either Slow Crack Growth or Fail Safe. In the Slow Crack Growth category,
structures are designed such that initial damage will grow at a stable, slow
rate under service environment and not achieve a size large enough to cause
rapid unstable propagation. In the Fail Safe category, structures are designed
such that propagating damage is safely contained after failing a major load
path by load shift to adjacent intact elements or by other damage arrestment

Figure 1.3.1. Residual Strength and Damage Growth Guidelines
In Slow Crack Growth qualified structure, damage tolerance (and
thus safety) is assured only by the maintenance of a slow rate of growth of
damage, a residual strength capacity and the assurance that sub-critical damage
will either be detected at the depot or will not reach unstable dimensions
within several design life times.
In Fail Safe qualified structure, damage tolerance (and thus
safety) is assured by the allowance of partial structural failure, the ability
to detect this failure prior to total loss of the structure, the ability to
operate safely with the partial failure prior to inspection, and the
maintenance of specified static residual strength through this period. Section 1.3.2 discusses the design
Each structure must qualify within one of the designated
categories of in-service inspectability (referred to as “The Degree of
Inspectability” in JSSG-2006), including the option to designate Slow Crack
Growth qualified structure as “in-service non-inspectable.” The various degrees of inspectability refer
to methods, equipment, and other techniques for conducting in-service
inspections as well as accessibility and the location of the inspection (i.e.,
field or depot). These degrees of
inspectability are discussed in Section 1.3.3.
The selection of the most appropriate damage tolerance category
under which to qualify the structure is the choice of the
designer/analyst. The choice of degree
of in-service inspectability is somewhat limited, however, to those described
in JSSG-2006. The inspection guidelines
have been developed based upon past and present experiences and are felt to be
reasonable estimates of future practice.
The intent of the guideline is to provide for at-least design
limit load residual strength capability for all intact structure, i.e., for
sub-critical damage sizes in slow crack growth structure and damage sizes less
than a failed load path in fail safe qualified designs. This requirement allows for full limit load
design capability and thus unrestricted aircraft usage. The imposition of the requirement constrains
structure qualified as Slow Crack Growth to either depot level inspectable or
in-service non-inspectable.
As described in Section 1.3.2, fail safe structure must meet
both the intact structure and remaining structure guidelines. Slow crack growth structure will meet either
the depot level inspectable or the non-inspectable structure guidelines. For each structure, evaluation of the
following parameters is required:
Design Category
Degree of In-Service Inspectability
Inspection Intervals
Initial Damage, In-Service Damage and Continuing Damage
Minimum Required Residual Strength
Damage Size Growth Limits
Period of Unrepaired Service Usage
Remaining Structure Damage Sizes
Each of these are described in the following sections, and
Section 1.3.7 shows several examples.