Section Crack Growth Analysis
The simplest manner for differentiating a curve is by using the
secant method, i.e.

where (a1, F1)
and (a2, F2) represent two different
points on the crack growth life, crack length (a) versus flights (F)
curve. The derivative is considered to
be the slope of the curve at the mean crack length of the two points, ie.

The mean crack length provides the
ability to calculate the stress-intensity factor coefficient (K/s)
for the geometry associated with the crack growth life curve. To describe the crack growth rate as a
function of stress-intensity factor, it is necessary to have either a formula
or graph that relates stress-intensity factor to crack length for a known
external loading condition. For
example, if the stress-intensity factor is related to gross stress conditions (sgross) by the formula

the stress-intensity factor coefficient is

and Equation 9.3.8 is evaluated for a = amean
(Equation 9.3.6). Note that b is typically a function of crack length.