Fatigue crack growth rate data that support standard damage
integration packages of the type described in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 are based on
constant amplitude testing of cracked specimens. Typically, multiple specimen tests are conducted at a number of
fixed stress ratio (R) conditions so that the complete range of crack
growth rate is covered for the mechanical and environmental variations of
interest. For the most part, all tests
of this type are covered by ASTM E647 on fatigue crack growth rate testing.
Test conditions that deal with the conditions essential for
obtaining near threshold growth rates are further described by ASTM E647. Substantial care is necessary for correctly
controlling the precracking operation and the stress-intensity-factor control
conditions in the near threshold region of the fatigue crack growth rate curve
(da/dN vs DK) [Yoder, et
al., 1981; Wei & Novak, 1982].
Also, ASTM E647 must be supplemented with information relative to
control of environmental conditions when these conditions affect behavior.
The ASTM E647 describes the test, as well as the data
collection, reduction and reporting requirements. The test itself requires standard fatigue test capability and
utilizes precracked specimens which have widely accepted stress-intensity
factor solutions. The standard
currently recommends three specimen configurations, the middle-cracked tension
[M(T)], the compact tension [C(T)], and the eccentrically-loaded single edge
tension [ESE(T)] specimen geometries, which are shown in Figure 7.2.1. While the M(T) specimen is generally recommended
for all stress ratio conditions, it should be noted that the C(T) and the
ESE(T) specimens can only be used for positive stress ratio conditions.
The primary control exercised during a test is the control of
the fatigue forces that are being applied to the test sample. Most modern servocontrolled,
electrohydraulic test machines that are periodically recalibrated using force
cells traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
will result in force control well within the ASTM E647 requirements. Force cells, of course, should be selected
such that fatigue crack growth rate tests are being conducted using forces that
are at the higher end of the load cell range to maximize force accuracy. Specific care should be taken to minimize
force errors. Such errors can cause
major errors in reported crack growth rate data since stress-intensity factor (K)
is a linear function of force.
Fatigue crack growth rate data are derived from the crack
length data (discrete pairs of crack length and cycle count data) and test load
data. Significant errors in crack
growth rate behavior can also result if systematic errors in crack length
measurement occur since such errors directly affect the calculated
stress-intensity factor parameters. ASTM E647 places strict requirements on the
measurement of crack size and recommends a frequency of crack length
measurement based on the gradient (rate of change) of the stress-intensity
factor through the crack length interval in the given test specimen.
Figure 7.2.5 shows a schematic that
illustrates the data reduction of a single test’s crack length data to the
fatigue crack growth rate format. The
procedures that one uses to differentiate the crack length data have some effect
on the individual da/dN vs DK discrete data
points. To ensure some uniformity in
this part of the data reduction process, ASTM E647 recommends that either the
secant or the 7-point incremental polynomial methods be utilized. In fact, the standard includes a listing of
a FORTRAN computer program that can be utilized to reduce the crack length data
according to the 7-point incremental polynomial method. Other differentiation methods leading to the
same data trends for a given test include 5, 7, 9 point incremental, linear,
quadratic, and power law least squares fitting schemes and the three-point
average incremental slope method utilized by MIL-HDBK-5. The specific differences that result from
differentiating a set of crack length data using different methods are
primarily associated with point-to-point data scatter in the a vs N
data. Discussion of the impact of this
scatter on design was covered in Section 5.1.

7.2.5. Fatigue Crack Growth Rate
Data Reduction Procedure
ASTM E647 recommends that duplicate tests be conducted to establish
the crack growth rate behavior for a given set of test conditions (constant and
environment). However, if a complete
definition of the growth rate behavior between threshold and fracture is
required for a given set of test conditions, six constant load type tests with
three different load levels might be required to cover the range. For determining general trends under a given
set of test conditions, shortcut methods are available. These methods include:
methods of periodically increasing the constant
amplitude load (by less than 10 percent) as the crack grows, and
methods of periodically modifying either the stress
ratio or cyclic load frequency during a test.
These shortcut methods are designed so that only selected
intervals of the fatigue crack growth rate data are generated, although a
description of the complete da/dN vs DK curve is possible
since the entire range of behavior is covered.
When shortcut methods are utilized to obtain a design database,
it is recommended that a preliminary test program be conducted to verify the
accuracy of these shortcut methods. The
preliminary test program would be based on a sufficient number of both constant
load amplitude and shortcut tests to justify the shortcut test methods, since
changing test loads, stress ratio levels, cyclic load frequencies and
environmental conditions can introduce crack growth transients. The crack growth transients of most concern
are those that modify the interpretation of the mean trend behavior exhibited
by the material under the test variations considered. The preliminary test program should determine the magnitude of
the transient and the crack growth increment required to establish steady-state
behavior after a new condition is introduced.
The approving agency should review the results of the preliminary test
program relative to the impact of transient behavior and to the development of
data reduction methods that exclude those intervals of crack length where
transient behavior might be exhibited.