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AFGROW | DTD Handbook

Handbook for Damage Tolerant Design

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    • Sections
      • 1. Introduction
      • 2. Fundamentals of Damage Tolerance
      • 3. Damage Size Characterizations
      • 4. Residual Strength
        • 0. Residual Strength
        • 1. Introduction
        • 2. Failure Criteria
        • 3. Residual Strength Capability
        • 4. Single Load Path Structure
        • 5. Built-Up Structures
        • 6. References
      • 5. Analysis Of Damage Growth
      • 6. Examples of Damage Tolerant Analyses
      • 7. Damage Tolerance Testing
      • 8. Force Management and Sustainment Engineering
      • 9. Structural Repairs
      • 10. Guidelines for Damage Tolerance Design and Fracture Control Planning
      • 11. Summary of Stress Intensity Factor Information
    • Examples

Section 5.6. References

M.R. Achter (1967).  “Effect of Environment on Fatigue Cracks”.  Fatigue Crack Propagation. ASTM STP 415, pp. 181-204.

P.D. Bell and M. Creager (1975).  Crack-Growth Analysis for Arbitrary Spectrum Loading”.  AFFDL-TR-74-129.

F.J. Bradshaw and C. Wheeler (1969).  “Effect of Environment and Frequency on Fatigue Cracks in Aluminum Alloys”.  International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, 5, pp. 255-268.

D. Broek (1972).  Residual Strength and Fatigue-Crack Growth in Two Aluminum Alloy Sheets Down to -75°C”.  National Aerospace Institute, NLR TR-M-72096.

D. Broek (1966).  “Fatigue-Crack Growth; Effect of Sheet Thickness”.  Aircraft Engineering, 38, (11), pp. 31-33.

D. Broek (1963).  The Effect of Sheet Thickness on the Fatigue-Crack Propagation in 2024-T3 Sheet”.  National Aerospace Lab. Report NLR-TR-M-2129, Amsterdam.

B.F. Brown (1968).  “The Application of Fracture Mechanics to Stress Corrosion Cracking”.  Metals and Materials, 2; Metal Reviews, 13, pp. 171-183.

T.R. Brussat (1971).  An Approach to Predicting the Growth to Failure of Fatigue Cracks Subjected to Arbitrary Uniaxial Cyclic Loading, Damage Tolerance in Aircraft Structures”.  ASTM STP 486, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 122-143.

J.B. Chang and C.M. Hudson (Eds.) (1981).  Methods and Models for Predicting Fatigue Crack Growth Under Random Loading”.  ASTM STP 748, American Society for Testing and Materials.

H.P. Chu (1972).  “Fracture Characteristics of Titanium Alloys in Air and Seawater Environment”.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 4, pp. 107-117.

E.P. Dahlberg (1965).  “Fatigue-Crack Propagation in High Strength 4340 Steel in Humid Air”.  ASM Trans 58, pp. 46-53.

H.D. Dill and C.R. Saff (1977).  “Analysis of Crack Growth Following Compressive Loads Based on Crack Surface Displacements and Contact Analysis”.  Cyclic Stress-Strain and Plastic Deformation Aspects of Fatigue Crack Growth.  ASTM STP 637, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 141-152.

H.D. Dill and C.R. Saff (1978, November).  Environment-Load Interaction Effects on Crack Growth”.  AFFDL-TR-78-137, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory.

D.R. Donaldson and W.E. Anderson (1960).  “Crack-Propagation Behavior of Some Airframe Materials”.  Cranfield Symposium (Vol. II), pp. 375-441.

N.E. Dowling (1972).  “Fatigue Failure Predictions for Complication Stress-Strain Histories”.  Journal of Materials, ASTM, pp. 71-87.

W. Elber (1971),  The Significance of Crack Closure”.  ASTM STP 486, pp. 230-242.

R.M. Engle and J.L. Rudd (1974).  Analysis of Crack Propagation Under Variable-Amplitude Loading Using the Willenborg Retardation Model”.  AIAA Paper No. 74-369.

R.M. Engle, Jr. (1970).  CRACKS, A FORTRAN IV Digital Computer Program for Crack Propagation Analysis”.  AFFDL0TR-70-107, Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory.

F. Erdogan (1967).  Crack-Propagation Theories”.  NASA-CR-901.

R.G. Forman, V.E. Kearney, and R.M. Engle (1967).  “Numerical Analysis of Crack
Propagation in a Cyclic-Loaded Structure”.  Journal Basic Engineering, ASME (Vol. 89),
Series D, pp. 459-464.

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J.P. Gallagher and T.F. Hughes (1974).  Influence of the Yield Strength on Overload Affected Fatigue-Crack-Growth Behavior of 4340 Steel”.  AFFDL-TR-74-27.

J.P. Gallagher, H.D. Stalnaker, and J.L. Rudd (1974).  A Spectrum Truncation and Damage Tolerance Study Association with the C-5A Outboard Pylon Aft Truss Lugs.”  AFFDL-TR-74-5.

J.P. Gallagher and R.P. Wei (1972).  “Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior in Steels”.  Corrosion Fatigue: Chemistry, Mechanisms, and Microstructure.  A.J. McEvily and R.W. Staehle (Eds.), National Association of Corrosion Engineers, pp. 409-423.

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L.R. Hall and W.L. Engstrom (1974).  Fracture and Fatigue-Crack-Growth Behavior of Surface Flaws Originating at Fastener Holes”.  AFFDL-TR-74-47

A. Hartman (1965).  “On the Effect of Water Vapour and Oxygen on the Propagation of Fatigue Cracks in an Aluminum Alloy”.  International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, 1, pp. 167-188.

P. Hartman and J. Schijve (1970).  “The Effects of Environment and Frequency on the Crack-Propagation Laws for Macrofatigue Cracks”.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1, pp. 615-631

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D.A. Meyn (1971).  “Frequency and Amplitude Effects on Corrosion Fatigue Cracks in a Titanium Alloy”.  Materials Trans. 2, pp. 853-865.

D.A. Meyn (1968).  “The Nature of Fatigue-Crack Propagation in Air and Vacuum for 2024 Aluminum”.  ASM Trans. 61, pp. 52-61.

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M.S. Miller and J.P. Gallagher (1981).  “An Analysis of Several Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) Descriptions”.  Fatigue Crack Growth Measurement and Data Analysis.  S.J. Hudak, Jr. and R.J. Bucci (Eds.).  ASTM STP 738, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 205-251.

L. Mueller, et al. (1981, October).  ASTM Task Group E24-04.04 presentations during ASTM Committee Week held in St. Louis, MO.

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R.M.N. Pelloux (1970).  Review of Theories and Laws of Fatigue-Crack Propagation”.  AFFDL-TR-70-144, pp. 409-416.

D.E. Piper, S.H. Smith, and R.V. Carter (1968).  “Corrosion Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking in Aqueous Environment”.  Metals Engineering Quarterly, 8, pp. 3.

T.R. Porter (1972).  “Method of Analysis and Prediction for Variable Amplitude Fatigue-Crack Growth”.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics 4.

J.M. Potter, J.P. Gallagher, and H.D. Stalnaker (1974).  The Effect of Spectrum Variations
on the Fatigue Behavior of Notched Structures Representing F-4E/S Wing Stations

R.D. Raithby and M.E. Bibb (1961).  Propagation of Fatigue Cracks in Wide Unstiffened Aluminum Alloy Sheet”.  R.A.E. TN Structures 305.

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A.M. Sullivan (1972).  “Stress-Corrosion-Crack Velocity in 4340 Steel”.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 4, pp. 65-76.

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P.M. Toor (1973).  “A Review of Some Damage Tolerance Design Approaches for Aircraft Structures”.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 5, pp. 837-880.

G.M. VanDÿk (1972).  Statistical Load Data Processing”.  Advanced Approaches to Fatigue Evaluation.  NASA SP-309, pp. 565-598.

E.K. Walker (1970).  “The Effect of Stress Ratio During Crack Propagation and Fatigue for 2024-T3 and 7075-T6 Aluminum”.  Effects of Environment and Complex Load History on Fatigue Life.  M.S. Rosenfeld (Ed.).  ASTM STP 462, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 1-14.

R.P. Wei (1970).  “Some Aspects of Environment-Enhanced Fatigue-Crack Growth”.  Engineering Fracture Mechanics 1, pp. 633-651.

R.P. Wei and J.D. Landes (1969).  “Correlation Between Sustained Load and Fatigue Crack Growth in High Strength Steels, Materials Research and Standards”.  ASTM, Vol. 9, pp. 25

R.P. Wei, and R.I. Stephens (1976).  Fatigue Crack Growth Under Spectrum Loads”.  ASTM STP 595, American Society for Testing and Materials.

R.P. Wei and T.T. Shih (1974).  “Delay in Fatigue-Crack Growth”.  International Journal Fracture, 16, pp. 77-85.

O.E. Wheeler (1972).  “Spectrum Loading and Crack Growth”.  Journal Basic Engineering, 94D, pp. 181.

J.D. Willenborg, R.M. Engle, and H.A. Wood (1971).  A Crack-Growth Retardation Model Using an Effective Stress Concept”.  AFFDL-TM-71-1 FBR.

H.A. Wood (1974).  “Important Aspects of Crack-Growth Prediction for Aircraft Structural Applications”.  Prospects of Fracture Mechanics.  Shi, VanElast, Broek (Eds.), Noordhoff,
pp. 437-457.

H.A. Wood and T.L. Haglage (1971).  Crack-Propagation Test Results for Variable-Amplitude Spectrum Loading in Surface Flawed D6ac Steel”.  AFFDL-TM FBR 71-2.

H.A. Wood, R.M. Engle, and T.L. Haglage (1971).  The Analysis of Crack Propagation Under Variable-Amplitude Loading in Support of the F-111 Recovery Program”.  AFFDL-TM-71-3 FBR.