If a flight-by-flight stress history is developed for damage
tolerance analysis or tests, it will be given as a sequence of load
levels. Each of the cases, a, b,
c, and d in Figure
5.5.1, could be considered as a series of details in such a sequence. Each case is a stress excursion of 8d between levels A and B containing a dip of
increasing size from a to d.
In case a, the dip might be so
small that for practical purposes it can be neglected. The cycle then can be considered as a single
excursion with a range DK1
of size 8d. In cases b
through d, the dips are too big to be
neglected. Normal crack growth
calculations might consider each of these cases as a sequence of two
excursions, for example case b would
be made up of two excursions, one with a range DK2,
the other with a range DK3,
each of size 5d.

Figure 5.5.1. Definition of Cycles
5.5.1. Calculation of Crack
Growth For Figure 5.5.1
Range Calculated Crack Growth (Da)
C(DK1)4 =
C(8d)4 =
4096 Cd4
C(DK2)4 + C(DK3)4
2C(5d)4 =
1250 Cd4
2C(6d)4 =
2592 Cd4
2C(7.5d)4 =
6328 Cd4
Range-Pair Calculated Crack Growth (Da)
C(DK1)4 =
C(8d)4 =
4096 Cd4
C(DK1)4 + C(DK4)4
C(8d)4 + C(2d)4 =
4112 Cd4
C(8d)4 + C(4d)4 =
4352 Cd4
C(8d)4 + C(7d)4 =
6497 Cd4
If the four cases were treated this way, the calculated crack
extension based on range excursions would be as given Table
5.5.1, where, for simplicity, the crack growth equation is taken as da/dN = C(DK)4 and the
R ratio effect is ignored. As indicated in this table, the damage
estimates for cases b and c are considerably less than the crack
damage estimated for case a. This is very unlikely in practice, since the
crack would see one excursion from A to B in each case. Therefore, cases b, c, and d should be more damaging than case a in view of the extra cycle due to the
dip. Although the effect of cycle ratio
was neglected, the small influence of R
could not account for the discrepancies.
It seems more reasonable to treat each case as one excursion
with a range of DK1 plus one
excursion of a smaller range (e.g., DK4
in case b) which follows the
philosophy of range-pair counting. If
this is done, the ranges considered would be as indicated by the dashed lines
in Figure 5.5.1.
The crack growth calculation based on range-pair counting is shown at
the bottom of Table 5.5.1, indicating an increasing
amount of damage going from a to d.
Another cycle definition is obtained by rainflow counting
[VanDÿk, 1972; Dowling, 1972]. The
method is illustrated in Figure 5.5.2. While placing the graphical display of the
stress history vertical, it is considered as a stack of roofs. Rain is assumed to flow from each roof. If it runs off the roof, it drips down the
roof below, etc., with the exception that the rain does not continue on a roof
that is already wet. The range of the
rain flow is considered the range of the stress. The ranges so obtained are indicated by AB, CD, etc., in Figure 5.5.2. Figure 5.5.3 shows how cycle counting methods may
affect a crack growth prediction.

Figure 5.5.2. Rain Flow Count

Figure 5.5.3. Calculated Crack Growth Curves for Random
Flight-by-Flight Fighter Spectrum [VanDÿk, 1972]
Several other counting methods exist, and they are reviewed in
Schijve [1963] and VanDÿk [1972].
Counting methods were originally developed to count measured load
histories for establishing an exceedance diagram. Therefore, the opinions expressed in the literature on the
usefulness of the various counting procedures should be considered in that
light. The counting procedure giving
the best representation of a spectrum need not necessarily be the best
descriptor of fatigue behavior.
It is argued that ranges are more important to fatigue behavior
than load peaks. On this basis, the
so-called range-pair count and the rainflow count are considered the most
suitable. However, no crack growth
experiments were ever reported to prove this.
The use of counting procedures in crack growth prediction is an
entirely new application. An
experimental program is required for a definitive evaluation. Calculated crack growth curves show that the
difference in crack growth life may be on the order of 25-30 percent. It should be noted that counting is not as
essential when the loads are sequenced low-high-low in each flight. The increasing ranges automatically produce
an effect similar to counting.
For the time being, it seems that a cycle count will give the
best representation of fatigue behavior.
Therefore, it is recommended that cycle counting per flight be used for
crack growth predictions of random sequences.
Care should be taken that the stress ranges are sequenced properly to
avoid different interaction effects (note that Kmax determines retardation and not DK). As an example, consider again Figure 5.5.2.
The proper sequence for integration is:
CD, GH, KL, EF, AB, PQ, MN. In
this way, the maximum stress intensity (at B) occurs at the proper time with
respect to its retardation effect, and the maximum stress-intensity of cycle AB
will cause retardation for cycles PQ and MN only.