A high load occurring in a sequence of low-amplitude cycles
significantly reduces the rate of crack-growth during the cycles applied
subsequent to the overload. This
phenomenon is called retardation. Figure 5.2.1 shows a baseline crack-growth curve
obtained in a constant-amplitude test [Schijve & Broek, 1962]. In other experiments, the same
constant-amplitude loading was interspersed with overload cycles. After each application of the overload, the
crack virtually stopped growing during many cycles, after which the original
crack-growth behavior was gradually restored.

Figure 5.2.1. Retardation Due to Positive Overloads, and
Due to Positive-Negative Overload Cycles [Schijve & Broek, 1962]
Retardation results from the plastic deformations that occur as
the crack propagates. During loading,
the material at the crack tip is plastically deformed and a tensile plastic
zone is formed. Upon load release, the
surrounding material is elastically unloaded and a part of the plastic zone
experiences compressive stresses. The
larger the load, the larger the zone of compressive stresses. If the load is repeated in a constant
amplitude sense, there is no observable direct effect of the residual stresses
on the crack-growth behavior; in essence, the process of growth is steady
state. Measurements have indicated,
however, that the plastic deformations occurring at the crack tip remain as the
crack propagates so that the crack surfaces open and close at non zero (positive)
load levels. These observations have
given rise to constant amplitude crack-growth models referred to as closure
models [Elber, 1971] after the concept that the crack may be closed during part
of the load cycle.
When the load history contains a mix of constant amplitude
loads and discretely applied higher level loads, the patterns of residual
stress and plastic deformation are perturbed.
As the crack propagates through this perturbed zone under the constant
amplitude loading cycles, it grows slower (the crack is retarded) than it would
have if the perturbation had not occurred.
After the crack has propagated through the perturbed zone, the crack
growth rate returns to its typical steady state level.
Two basic models have been proposed to describe the phenomenon
of crack retardation. The first model
is based on the concept of the compressive residual stress perturbation and the
second on the concept of plastic deformation with enhanced crack wedging and more
If the tensile overload is followed by a compressive overload,
the material at the crack tip may undergo reverse plastic deformation and this
reduces the residual stresses. Thus, a
negative overload in whole or in part annihilates the beneficial effect of
tensile overloads, as is also shown by curve C in Figure
Retardation depends upon the
ratio between the magnitude of the overload and subsequent cycles. This is illustrated in Figure
5.2.2. Sufficiently large overloads
may cause total crack arrest. Hold
periods at zero stress can partly alleviate residual stresses and thus reduce
the retardation effect [Shih & Wei, 1974; Wei & Shih, 1974], while hold
periods at load increase retardation.
Multiple overloads significantly enhance the retardation. This is shown in Figure

Figure 5.2.2. Effect of Magnitude of Overload on Retardation [Shih & Wei,

Figure 5.2.3. Retardation in Ti-6V-4Al; Effect of Hold Periods and Multiple
Overloads [Wei & Shih, 1974]