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AFGROW | DTD Handbook

Handbook for Damage Tolerant Design

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    • Sections
      • 1. Introduction
        • 0. Introduction
        • 1. Historical Perspective on Structural Integrity in the USAF
        • 2. Overview of MIL-HDBK-1530 ASIP Guidance
        • 3. Summary of Damage Tolerance Design Guidelines
        • 4. Sustainment/Aging Aircraft
        • 5. References
      • 2. Fundamentals of Damage Tolerance
      • 3. Damage Size Characterizations
      • 4. Residual Strength
      • 5. Analysis Of Damage Growth
      • 6. Examples of Damage Tolerant Analyses
      • 7. Damage Tolerance Testing
      • 8. Force Management and Sustainment Engineering
      • 9. Structural Repairs
      • 10. Guidelines for Damage Tolerance Design and Fracture Control Planning
      • 11. Summary of Stress Intensity Factor Information
    • Examples

Section 10.5. References

W.D. Buntin. (1979, May). “Durability and Safety in the F-16 Airframe.” Structural Integrity Technology, J.P. Gallagher and T.W. Crooker, Eds., The American Society for Mechanical Engineers.

R.L. Circle and F.M. Conley (1980, May). “A Quantitative Assessment of the Variables Involved in Crack Propagation Analysis for In-Service Aircraft.” 21st Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, AIAA, ASME, ASCE, AHS, Part I, p. 512-521.

R.M. Ehert (1979, May). “Material Control and Fracture Control Planning for the Space Shuttle Orbiter Program.” Structural Integrity Technology. J.P. Gallagher and T.W. Crooker, Eds., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

J.C. Ekvall, J.E. Rhodes and C.G. Wald (1982). “Methodology for Evaluating Weight Savings from Basic Material Properties.” Design of Fatigue and Fracture Resistant Structures, ASTM STP 761, P.R. Abelkis and C.M. Hudson, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 328-341.

F. J. Giessler, S. J. Duell and R.F. Cook (1981, February). “Handbook of Guidelines for the Development of Design Usage and Environmental Sequences for United States Air Force Aircraft.” AFWAL-TR-80-3156.

U.G. Goranson, J. Hall, J.R. Maclin and R.T. Watanabe (1981). “Long Life Damage Tolerant Jet Transport Structures.” Design of Fatigue and Fracture Resistant Structures, ASTM STP 761, P.R. Abelkis and C.M. Hudson, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, pp. 47-87.

T. Lunde (1976). “Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Guidelines.” Lockheed-California Company.

R.F. Simenz and M.K. Guess (1970, July). “Structural Aluminum Materials for the 1980’s.” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 17, No. 7, pp. 514-520.

C.F. Tiffany (Ed.) (1978, April). Analysis of United States Air Force Aircraft Structural Durability and Damage Tolerance, Notebook for AIAA Short Course.

E.K. Walker, J.C. Ekvall and J.E. Rhodes (1970, May). “Design for Continuing Structural Integrity.” Structural Integrity Technology, J.P. Gallagher and T.W. Crooker, Eds., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

R.E. Watson (1979, May). “Structural Integrity Development of Commercial Aircraft.” Structural Integrity Technology, J.P. Gallagher and T.W. Crooker, Eds., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

H.A. Wood (1979, May). “Structural Integrity Technology for Aerospace Applications.” Structural Integrity Technology, J.P. Gallagher and T.W. Crooker, Eds., The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.